High-speed internet is a necessity for employment, education, day-to-day tasks, telemedicine visits and staying in touch with friends and family. Below is a list of low-cost internet, and device, options in Rhode Island that we hope can help you stay connected. RIHousing is providing these as a courtesy, but do not have any connections to these providers. For more information, please contact the providers directly.

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LOW-COST STUDENT INTERNET – Connect2Compete package
Benefit: $9.95/month Wi-Fi
- Must have at least one K-12 student and participate in one of the following programs:
- Tenant-based voucher (such as the housing choice voucher program)
- Project-based voucher
- Section 8 subsidized housing development
- Public Housing
- National school lunch program
- Head Start
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- No program expiration – households stay enrolled for as long as they qualify
LOW-COST INTERNET PLAN – ConnectAssist package
Benefit: $30/month Internet
- Available to households who participate in an income based government assistance program, including: SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, TANF, Head Start, WIC, LIHEAP, federal public housing programs (including HCVP), LIfeline, veterans benefits and survivor benefits, SSI, Federal Pell Grant.

Verizon Forward
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- Internet as low as $20/month through the Verizon Forward program
- Available to households that:
- Participated in one of the following programs within 180 days of applying:
- Lifeline Program
- SNAP, WIC, Medicaid or other programs.
- Received a Federal Pell Grant within a year of application.
- If you income your income is 135% of less than the federal poverty guidelines
- Must verify eligibility and upload requested documentation to apply.
- Participated in one of the following programs within 180 days of applying:
New and current subscribers: Click here or call 800-837-4966 for more information.

PCs for People
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Internet Benefit: Purchase a mobile hotspot device for a one-time cost of $70 or $90 and pay $15/month for unlimited mobile internet service.
Program is ongoing
Eligibility – Must meet one of the following criteria:
- Under at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines or 60% of Area Median Income
- Proof of current enrollment in an income-based government assistance program (such as SNAP, WIC, TANF, Headstart, LIHEAP, Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher Program, Medicaid, SSI, SSDI, Federal Pell Grant, National School Lunch Program)
Device Benefit: PCs for People also sells refurbished desktop and laptop computers, depending on availability.

Rhode Island Public Libraries
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- Most libraries have free Wi-Fi inside and outside of the buildings
- Most also provide computers for public use in the library.
- Some libraries have hotspots that library patrons may borrow.
- Libraries also offer digital literacy training
- Please contact your local library to become a member and learn what services they provide
Please reach out to individual providers for the most up to date internet pricing and plans.