Tenant Data Reporting
All Developments that receive Low-Income Housing Tax Credits or HOME program funds must report tenant data.
Report through Web Tenant Compliance >
NEW! Introducing Procorem
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Submit a User Authorization form to to gain access to the new system.
Hope Lanphear
Assistant Director, Leased Housing & Rental Services
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Past eNews
Program Bulletins
2020-01 LIHTC Compliance Monitoring Regulations
2020-02 Revised Form HF-150 (Interim Operating Statement for Multi-Family Housing Projects)
2020-04 Audit Confirmation E-Mail Address
2020-05 Project Development Operating Support Grants
19-09 Annual LIHTC Compliance Fees and Reporting
19-07 Predevelopment Loan Program
19-06 Developer Fees for Multifamily Transactions
19-05 LIHTC Compliance Manual March 2019
19-03 IRS Final Regulations Concerning LIHTC Compliance Monitoring
19-02 HOME Program Annual Owners Certification
19-01 Updated Minimum NOP Rents and Utility Allowances
18-10 Quarterly Waitlist Reporting for LIHTC Projects
18-09 California Wildfires Emergency Housing Relief
18-08 Revised Procedures for Submission of Requisitions for NOP Funds
18-07 Hurricane Emergency Housing Relief
18-06 HOME Requisition and Disbursement
18-05 HOME Program Community Land Trust Partners/Right of First Refusal Language in Ground Leases
18-04 Annual Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Compliance Monitoring Fees
18-03: Building Homes Rhode Island III
18-01: HOME Program 2018 Income and Rent Limits; Annual HOME Rent and Utility Allowance Approval