Rhode Island Affordable Development Activities 

Potters Tigrai


Developer: S.W.A.P., Inc. (Stop Wasting Abandoned Property)

  • Anticipated Completion Date: Q1 2026
  • Total Units: 57
  • Total Affordable Units: 57
  • Affordability: 30 – 60% AMI


  • Construction Status: 10% complete

 Funding Sources and Amount:

Source Amount
RIH First Mortgage $475,000
Assumed Debt (Rollover) $1,387,793
Capital Magnet Fund $250,000
Community Revitalization* $2,000,000
General Partner Capital $100
DAH-2* $4,550,000
LIHTC Proceeds $6,614,510
Seller Loan $639,836

Total Development Cost: $16,792,239

RIHousing-administered SFRF Funds Expended: $3,401,888.56

*Sources funded by the State Fiscal Recovery Funds (“SFRF”).

Affordable home under construction

Site Visit: 9.11.2024